LIVE WEBINAR | 9th May, 1-2pm BST

Building the SDR Team of the Future

Learn how to do more with less by adopting the right fundamentals, frameworks and tooling.

Total Time

Discovery Mastery in 2024

We all know that running a great Discovery process is key to driving success across the rest of the sales cycle.

More pipeline, greater efficiency

We know the effectiveness of SDR teams has plummeted:

  • SDRs now drive just 18% of pipeline down from 40% in 2022 - Insight Partners
  • 73% of SDRs missed quota in '22 - Benchmark Research Partners
  • Pipeline values are down 50-100% YoY - Ebsta

So what can you do about when your resources are getting cut?

  • Razor sharp focus
  • Perfectly tailored content
  • Efficient workflows
  • Tight feedback loops…

These are all achievable approaches to drive qualified pipeline growth within a lean and mean operation.


Real experts

In this highly actionable webinar, we’ve got real experts who’ve mastered the approach to successful Discovery

Mark Walker

Co-Founder CEO, RevvedUp and 3x CRO + startup coach

David Wilkins

Founder of Saleswise and SDR Leaders of EMEA

Shabri Lakhani

Exited founder, sales consultant and host of 'Everything is Sales' Podcast

Nicola Anderson

CMO, Coach & Advisor, Pavilion &ScaleWise

What we’ll cover

Over 45 minutes, we’ll answer your submitted questions, and cover:

  • How to apply tried and tested foundational frameworks to create razor sharp focus for the SDR team
  • The latest and greatest tooling to enhance the productivity and workflows of your current team
  • Best practice in creating tight feedback loops and creating smooth handovers with marketing and sales
  • Tips, tricks and insights from hundreds of the best and brightest SDR leaders in EMEA

Save your place!

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